Download the updated SETI Plug-in

You may download a BETA version of the SETI Plug-in for Starry Night v4.x for Windows or Mac OS X below.

SETI.plug for Starry Night v4.x - [Windows] (134KB)
MacSetiPluginOSX.sit for Starry Night v4.5.x - [Mac OS X] (117KB)

If you are using Starry Night version 3, depending on your system configuration, download either one of the following SETI Plug-in files:

SETI.plug for Starry Night v.3 - [Windows] (55KB)
MacSetiPlugin.sit for Starry Night v.3 - [Mac] (40KB)

Install the SETI Plug-in

For PC version:

  1. Using Windows Explorer or other file manager software, go to the folder where you installed Starry Night Backyard or Pro.
  2. From there, go to the folder Starry Night Backyard Data (if you have Backyard), or the folder Starry Night Pro Data (if you have Pro), and then go to the folder Plug-ins.
  3. Simply copy (and overwrite if necessary) the current plug-in file in this folder with the new one that you downloaded from the above link.

For Mac OS X version (Starry Night Version 4.5 and above):

  1. Drag the downloaded file over Stuffit Expander. This will create a file named SNSETI@HomePlugin.bundle Go to the folder where you installed Starry Night Enthusiast or Pro.
  2. From there, open the application package by control clicking on the application and choosing "Show Package Contents" from the contextual menu. Go to the folder Sky Data and then go to the folder Plug-ins (Mac).
  3. Simply copy (and overwrite if necessary) the current plug-in file in this folder with the new one that you downloaded from the above link.
  4. It will be accessible from the favourites menu.

For Mac OS 9 version (Starry Night Version 3):

  1. Drag the downloaded file over Stuffit Expander. This will create a file named SETI.plug (Mac). Go to the folder where you installed Starry Night Backyard or Pro.
  2. From there, go to the folder Starry Night Backyard Data (if you have Backyard), or the folder Starry Night Pro Data (if you have Pro), and then go to the folder Plug-ins (Mac).
  3. Simply copy (and overwrite if necessary) the current plug-in file in this folder with the new one that you downloaded from the above link.

Still confused?

Please check our Technical Support page.