When you are located on a planet, comet, or satellite, Starry Night displays an unobstructed horizon, as if you were viewing from a wide open plain. Each planet's horizon is displayed in its own appropriate color so you can quickly get your bearings while on other worlds. On Earth, you also have the option of displaying scenery. By default, Starry Night opens with tree scenery. You may choose between several other scenery sets, including a star gazing party, an ocean view, or palm trees. To change scenery sets, click on the Location button on the Tool Palette. In the Location dialog box, select one from the Scenery popup menu. If you wish not to display any scenery, click on the Horizon's option button and uncheck "Show Scenery". Scenery shadows are displayed by default. Besides creating a more realistic landscape, these shadows are useful in getting your bearings, since by observing the cast shadows, you can extrapolate where the Sun is. If you wish not to display any scenery shadows, you can turn them off by unchecking Scenery Shadows. You also have the option of changing how your horizon is displayed. Adjust your horizon so it displays as a thin line by selecting Outline, or make the horizon semitransparent by selecting the See-through option.
If you wish to not display the horizon, you can quickly toggle it on or off by clicking on Horizon on the Display Palette.
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