You can use this menu to switch between document windows
and to show or hide the Time palette, Planet palette, and
Mouse info window.
You can turn off the scrollbars by selecting this menu
command. Since you can navigate within a window so easily
with the hand grabber tool, some people may wish to turn off
the scrollbars for aesthetic reasons, especially during a
presentation. Selecting the command again will toggle the
scrollbars back on.
Toolbar (Windows only)
Toggles the Toolbar open and closed. If you wish the
Toolbar to be off by default, select Toolbar under the
Window menu, thereby turning it off. Then select Save
Options As Default. From now on, all new windows that
you open will not show the Toolbar as a default. (You can
still turn it back on via the Window menu as desired.)
Hide Floating Palettes
This menu command toggles on and off all the currently
open floating palettes.
Toggles the Time Palette
open and closed. For a more in depth discussion of time and
how it affects Starry Night, see the Time
Toggles the Planet Palette open
and closed.
Mouse Info
Toggles the Mouse Info
palette open and closed.